Pineapple Chicken & Prawn Curry

Pineapple-Chicken-Prawn-Curry-4Alright, with all the unsettling hubbub that’s going on around us at the moment, it’s getting harder and harder to stay relaxed and calm 24/7. Of course, if we take a couple of moments to actually settle down and listen, the foodie-part within us, may have something to say that might just save the day.

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Leek & Lemon Soup with Poached Salmon

Leek-Lemon-Soup-Poached-Salmon-2It’s getting warmer outside, the first flowers are sticking their heads out of the soaked soil and the first little travelers of the season have arrived and taken up the stage in the trees outside, merrily singing us a song every morning (Fantastic way to wake up, even if it’s the song of a literal early bird!). It seems, Spring is nosing its way in – About time, too~!

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GW2 No-Bake Strawberry & White Chocolate Cookies

No-Bake-Strawberry-White-Chocolate-Cookies-2You know, I’ve made peace with my oven-less kitchen. I actually enjoy the challenge to work around it and come up with ways to prep typical “fresh out of the oven” dishes without one with the same delicious outcomes. As I’ve mentioned before, the one thing I was sad to let go when I moved into this house was cookies – or to be precise, the Yuletide/Christmas related gang of cookies and treats that used to be a big deal in my grandma’s kitchen.

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