GW2 Fancy Bean & Avocado Chili with Orange-Macadamia Pesto

Fancy-Bean-Chili-Orange-Macadamia-Pesto-3Minus 14°C. Snow. Windy. Did I mention the minus fourteen degrees celcius already? Well, what can I say… I’m absolutely extatic about it, jumping up and down in front of the window every morning these days~! It’s W.I.N.T.E.R for the first time in… I think it’s been at least 10 years that I’ve dug out a wool sweater during “winter” time and even longer since I’ve been woken up by the neighbour being massively displeased about having to shovel the sidewalk free of snow and letting the whole street know all about it at 5:30 in the morning.

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Yoghurt-Quince Mousse & Spiced Quince Compote

Yoghurt-Quince-Mousse-Quince-Compote-4It’s February. It’s dark. It’s cold. It’s wet. It could be miserable… but there’s a golden light at the end of the tunnel! A light that certainly lifted my spirits out of the ick as soon as I spotted a soft yellow-golden glow beneath the pile of apples in my pantry – and I hope I can spread that comforting glow out to you guys with this recipe as well~

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