Bloody Mary Chicken Salad

Bloody-Marry-Chicken-Salad-2When Hubby gave off a somewhat strangled noise, skirting the edge of panic last weekend while giving his weather forecast app a disdainful glare, I knew we were in trouble.
“34°-38°C each day and not much cooler during the night for a week straight… I don’t even want to know how this is going to turn out in August, when it’s actually supposed to be this hot” he said, and went ahead reading reviews of high-powered fans and mobile ACs. I, on the other hand, experienced a sudden pang of panic too, a food-related one rather than a fear of melting in the heat.

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Blueberry Truffle & Yoghurt Chocolates

Blueberry-Yoghurt Chocolates 5Yes, yes, I know, it’s way too hot for chocolate. Or so the occasional not-so-chocoholics like me might say. Especially since last week’s Raspberry-Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie had enough chocolatey oomph to shut my inner chocolate-craving sweets-demons up for the next couple of months…

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GW2 Raspberry-Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie

Raspberry-Chocolate-Cheesecake-Brownie-2Very recently, on a seriously uncomfy hot and humid day of all inconvenient times, one of those off-the-rails cravings decided to settle in the tummy-area of my head. Much like the bewildering urge to have a bowl of ice cream in the dead of winter, my once-or-twice-a-year “Cake! Now!” hellspawn waltzed in and demanded immediate attention when I least expected it.

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Carrot & Cape Gooseberry Gazpacho

Carrot-Cape-Gooseberry-Gazpacho-2Oh yes~! Summer’s here and not willing to take prisoners. Getting anything down at 35°C during lunchtime is starting to be just as unappealing as skipping lunch altogether. There’s one thing though, that always works in situations like these. Quickly made, easily carried around and, in most cases, very healthy and satisfying: Cold soups.

Continue reading “Carrot & Cape Gooseberry Gazpacho”